Democratic Party of the 49th Ward

We are the Democratic Party of the 49th Ward - City of Chicago. As a liberal/progressive, grass roots, and membership-empowered organization, we work hard to elect progressive Democratic candidates.

At the moment, we are engaged in a battle to save our Constitutional Democracy, which is under attack by a criminal fascist President and a MAGA controlled Congress that has abdicated its Constitutional responsibility to check executive abuses of power.

The President of the United States has said, “The transformation of the American Government has begun.” He is attempting to dismantle the government that was created with the signing of the United States Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17th, 1787. He would replace it with an Authoritarian Executive, himself, who wields all encompassing power. The power over the Judiciary and Legislative branches and importantly, the Military. His word would be law.

We will not let this happen. We will join together as fellow citizens to continue on the path to form a more perfect union as set out in the United States Constitution.

To keep abreast of what we are doing to and to join our email list, please click below.

Fight Back!

Kelly Cassidy
Democratic Committeeperson 49th Ward

David Kogan
President, Democratic Party of the 49th Ward

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Volunteer with Operation Swing State in Wisconsin For Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

Operation Swing State is a broad coalition of Chicago-area organizations - including the Democratic Party of the 49th Ward and Network 49

Our first salvo in the battle to refuse to accept a Trump / MAGA take over of our country and dismantling of our Constitutional Democracy is the Wisconsin Supreme Court race. Click to drive directly.



We always need funds to support our endorsed candidates, rent a space to work out of.


Volunteer - Take Action - Fight Back

Join the Battle. Fight Back against the Trump Regime. Save our Democracy. 
